Honey the 10 foot 60lb Carmel Burmese Python
The star of our show
***Available after December 15th 2024***
Mr. Slithers the Corn Snake
Sabrina the Carpet Python
***Available after December 15th 2024***
Felix the Ball Python
Love and Thunder the Dumerils boa
Tiny the Bredli Python
Lulu the Salmon Boa
Timone the Boa
Pumpkin the Uromastyx
Tiki the Crested Gecko
Clementine the Bearded Dragon
Bella the Bearded Dragon
Bumblebee the Peters Banded Skink
Oreo the African Fat Tail Gecko
Blue the Green Iguana
***Available after December 15th 2024***
Captain Ginger the leopard gecko
***Available after December 15th 2024***
Strawberry Tort Cake the Red Foot Tortoise
Zerus and Zoidburg the Emperor Scorpions
Spiderman the Whip Scorpion
Keira our Tarantula